Fuzzy Slippers
Arcylic based House Paint on Stucco Approx* 75x20ft (2022)
Living in an urban environment can be stressful and chaotic at times, however I try to find the moments where I can convey relief and ease. In this mural I capture that moment of joy and relief from unpleasant realities by seeking entertainment in fantasy. The butterflies move from one side to the other representing the embrace of transformation. The characters channel childlike liberation and cartoony elasticity. I hope the viewer can see themselves here, in this city, surrounded by buildings, trying to find happiness and lightness within the concrete city.
This mural project sponsored by Adult Swim with production by Living Walls as part of the Adult Swim Mural Project, a nationwide art initiative supporting emerging local artists.
Curators: Ginger Rudolph & Conrad Benner
Director of Productions: Kristen Consuegra
Artist Assistants: De'von Downes & Ashley McNamar
Arcylic based House Paint on Stucco Approx* 75x20ft (2022)
Living in an urban environment can be stressful and chaotic at times, however I try to find the moments where I can convey relief and ease. In this mural I capture that moment of joy and relief from unpleasant realities by seeking entertainment in fantasy. The butterflies move from one side to the other representing the embrace of transformation. The characters channel childlike liberation and cartoony elasticity. I hope the viewer can see themselves here, in this city, surrounded by buildings, trying to find happiness and lightness within the concrete city.
This mural project sponsored by Adult Swim with production by Living Walls as part of the Adult Swim Mural Project, a nationwide art initiative supporting emerging local artists.
Curators: Ginger Rudolph & Conrad Benner
Director of Productions: Kristen Consuegra
Artist Assistants: De'von Downes & Ashley McNamar

Original Painting 36 x 48 in.